Friday, June 5, 2009

A Little of This and That

I'm living at my parents' house in Orem for another week until I leave for Chicago a week from tomorrow. Some thoughts:

My sister is going through the temple for the first time tomorrow in preperation for her wedding a week from today. Wahoo! This is a picture of me and her from the 4th of July last year.

I miss my PR friends. It's fun getting into a major and having classes with the same people because I like them so much...but this summer I have barely heard from them, much less done anything with them. Kevin has been good, but too bad he has to go to NYC (alone, but's NYC). Jill got married and is working up north at Church Headquarters. Susan is realizing she loves her Utah friends. Christine didn't even answer a simple text I sent her. :p Abby is gimping around Provo. Stacy is in Puerto Rico??? That's all I'm getting from my facebook stalking. Hope everyone is great!

Speaking of friends, I swear mine in high school were not as loud as my sister's friends. Almost every night she has had anywhere from 8 to 298 friends over to watch TV or something. Can somebody tell me what it is about girls and shrieking?

I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey last night for the first time in my roommate's amazing blue-ray, 7.2 surround system home theater. I was a tad restless at first but liked it overall. Doesn't mean Kubrick isn't a psycho, but it was interesting. I actually liked the monkeys and the music the most.

I visited my mission president who has recently been called to the First Quorum of the Seventy. It's been interesting to have someone I've been so close to get called to such an important position. Sometimes whether it be in sports, movies or higher church callings we think people are more than just regular Joes. Now, of course they have some skill or knowledge that does put them on a different plane at times, but there was my President in his jean shorts, looking a little tired, talking to me like old times. He is a very special, amazing man, but he is learning as he goes just like the rest of us, still has to clean the garage like the guy next door. I love him very much.

I have this ginormous TV sitting in the middle of my already pretty small bedroom. And I can't even hook it up or anything. Dang.

I have Skype now if anyone wants to sign up. It'll be especially useful for when I am in Chicago. Let me know!